Help for Chronic Pain using Hypnotherapy in Hampshire

Help with managing Chronic Pain using Hypnosis & Mindfulness Techniques in Fareham , Portsmouth, Southampton and Winchester

I can't take this chronic pain anymore. How to help someone with chronic pain and depression. What help is available for chronic pain sufferers?

Pain is important to us as it tells us that something is wrong with our bodies.

It is important that pain should be checked out by a GP, doctor or specialist because of the possibility of serious physical issues associated with undiagnosed pain. If we start to manage pain that has not been checked properly then we could be masking a serious health issue.

Chronic pain - also known as persistent pain - is pain that may have started as a result of an accident, surgical operation or some other painful event.

It becomes recognised as chronic or persistent pain when it continues after the time when the source of the pain should normally be healed. There are also instances when no cause for the pain can be found by medical investigation.

There is a large range of tests and drug regimes that pain management teams make use of to control pain. For various reasons, drugs don’t always control the pain fully leaving a person suffering.

So what is pain? It sounds obvious but the answer may not be what you first thought.

Can you remember a time when you were doing something; DIY, gardening, office work or something like that? You were feeling no pain and as you looked down, you noticed that you had cut your hand and it was bleeding. All of a sudden it started hurting. That tells us something interesting. Although the body produces signals to indicate wounds and problems, the pain is produced by the brain.

Pain is something that we take for granted. It’s just one of those things that happens when we bump ourselves, cut ourselves or have a surgical procedure. It goes in a sequence, and that’s the root of the issue.

The brain produces the pain that we expect to have.

People who suffer from persistent pain often feel like they have no control over their situation. They have been through the medical process and it hasn’t gone away. This can lead to anxiety, worry and depression. Anxiety generally makes pain worse, and that’s another indication that the pain is produced by the brain.

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy work with the mind and provide a way for you to manage chronic pain along with the associated worry and anxiety.

The use of hypnotherapy to control pain is not new to hypnotherapists, and it is now being accepted by conventional pain management teams as part of a pain control regime.

Learning to manage your own chronic or persistent pain takes a little effort but it’s not difficult. It’s a process that puts you back in control of yourself. It’s ongoing self-help with a bit of a kick-start from us.

Managing anxiety and stress is the same process. When you start to take control of your own mind, you can change your life.

So if you have pain that doesn’t seem to respond to traditional treatments, or you’d like to find out more about what we can do to help, just contact us today to talk about the therapies we offer to ease your pain and make your life easier for you.

In a study entitled ‘Hypnosis can reduce pain in hospitalised older patients’, the research carried out has shown that Hypnosis can be effective in helping to reduce pain.

Professional Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and mindfulness techniques to help with persistent pain and chronic pain in Fareham, Portsmouth, Winchester & Southampton.

MINDFULNESS AND PAIN MANAGEMENT It is also well-documented that Mindfulness can also be extremely helpful Call us today on 0800 970 4776 to find out more about how we can help you live a more pain-free life