Help for Eating Disorders and Body Image with Counselling, Hypnotherapy and CBT in Hampshire

Confidential and effective help for Eating Disorders and Body Image Issues

Specialist help for anorexia and bulimia with hypnotherapy and counselling

Eating disorders are considered to be both mental and physical illnesses. These are categorised by having unhealthy relationships with food and severe disturbances in eating behaviour. The term eating disorder could refer to anorexia, nervosa, bulimia or body dysmorphia. Those with eating disorders are very likely to have one or more co-occurring conditions. A recent study showed that 71% of people diagnosed with eating disorders had also been diagnosed with a mood disorder or anxiety. An astounding 1.25 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with suffering from an eating disorder, and in the US, it is thought that 30 million people are struggling to live with an eating disorder (approximately 20 million women and 10 million men). 

When questioned, young adults revealed that dieting when young was the most important predictor of going on to develop an eating disorder. In fact, they were five times more likely to develop an eating disorder if they had dieted moderately as teenagers and young adults. Those who followed more extreme dieting restrictions were a staggering 18 times more likely to go on to develop an eating disorder than those who had never dieted.

Freedom from eating disorders. Does my teen have an eating disorder? Eating disorders in children. Do I have an eating disorder?

Hypnotherapy helps to resolve the emotional conflict that causes these dangerous symptoms and hypnotherapy is effective in helping to re-programme the subconscious, ensuring a far more healthy relationship with food in the future.

Hypnotherapy with one of our friendly professional team of therapists at OLIP Therapy is safe and effective. Just one phone call is all takes to set you on the road to recovery. Pick up the phone and call today on 0800 970 4776 and make an appointment to come in for a free chat about how hypnotherapy can be the answer for you. Your call is confidential. If we are with clients when you call, please leave a message. All messages will be picked up by one of our therapists in person. Don’t let your eating disorder rob you of the life you deserve. We can help you. All you have to do is call 0800 970 4776 or email us and make that first appointment.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Professional help for Eating Disorders and Body Image Issues
1.5% of American women have had bulimia in their lifetime

Sadly, it is thought that only 10% of people who have an eating disorder ever receive treatment, despite the fact that eating disorders can be treated successfully. Tragically, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. In the US, at least one person dies hourly as a direct result of suffering from an eating disorder. 

Always seek advice from your GP if you are concerned that you or a loved one might be suffering from one of these debilitating illnesses.

Hypnotherapy and counselling are extremely effective in helping people with the symptoms of anorexia, bulimia and body dysmorphia.

At OLIP Therapy all of our team have many years of experience in working with people who are suffering from eating disorders, food relationship disorders and body image issues.