Help for a fear of dentists using hypnotherapy and hypnosis in Hampshire

Help to overcome your Fear of Dentists & Needles

How can I overcome extreme dental phobia? Why am I so afraid of dentists?

Is your phobia of the dentist preventing you from getting treatment for an agonising toothache? Do you avoid regular check-ups because you cannot face the dentist’s chair? Are you suffering from sensitive teeth or bad dental hygiene because you are terrified of any form of dental treatment?

Dental phobia, fear of the dentist, odontophobia and dental anxiety are all terms given to describe an irrational fear of dentists or dental procedures.

Whilst none of us actually looks forward to the dentist, for some just the thought can cause severe anxiety symptoms and even panic attacks. It doesn’t have to be like that!

If you have a Dental phobia, then a relaxing and highly effective suggestion hypnotherapy can help you. At OLIP Therapy, (formerly the Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Counselling Centre LTD) we offer confidential, caring treatment for clients with a fear of the dentist and needles.

Call us today on 0800 – 9704776 for your life changing appointment in our practices in Fareham and Southampton.

One in four of us dreads a visit to the dentist, but hypnosis and hypnotherapy can easily help you to overcome your fear.

Perhaps you have a fear of needles (needle phobia, is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles). It is occasionally referred to as aichmophobia or belonephobia and can be effectively helped using hypnosis and hypnotherapy in one of our clinics.

53% of the UK population suffers from fear or
anxiety when visiting the dentist.

Testimonial on overcoming a fear of dentists.


From May 2008 James & Sue will be working in conjunction with Titchfield Dental Health to assist clients with a fear of dentists and needles.

Fear of Needles (Belonephobia)

Whilst none of us actually looks forward to injections, for some just the thought can cause severe anxiety symptoms and even panic attacks. It doesn’t have to be like that!

Needle phobia is recognised as a very real condition. It mostly affects children but it is common for the symptoms to continue into adult life. People suffering needle phobia can sometimes avoid seeking medical help for illness or disease leading to medical or dental neglect.

Some modern medicine is reliant upon the use of needles for blood tests and the administration of drugs. Just the thought that they might need some form of injection is enough to prevent sufferers of needle phobia from seeking the medical or dental attention they need leading to unnecessary suffering and pain and high levels of anxiety and stress.

If you have needle phobia (belonophobia, aichomophobia) then hypnotherapy, can help you. At OLIP Therapy Online and In-Person in Fareham & Southampton, we offer confidential, caring treatment for clients with a fear of needles.

A fear of dentists and needles can seriously affect your life. Call today on 0800-9704776 and let us help you overcome this fear.