Therapy can be a useful tool when learning how to overcome panic attacks. It can be a highly effective treatment for panic disorders, as it teaches you coping skills, how to develop a deeper understanding of your symptoms and what triggers you and will help you to develop a personalised treatment plan in order to manage your panic attacks in the future.
Initially, your therapist will help you to identify what triggers a panic attack. Through gentle conversation, your therapist will help you to identify what may contribute to your panic attacks. This might be certain situations, thoughts or even physical sensations. Once you understand your triggers, you can work on ways to avoid or manage them.
Your therapist will teach you coping skills. These might include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation or visualisation. These techniques can help you to manage the symptoms of panic attacks when they occur.
Your therapist will help you to identify and challenge the negative thought patterns which contribute to your panic attacks. This is done through a process of gradually replacing your negative thoughts with more positive and realistic ones which will reduce anxiety and therefore prevent panic attacks from occurring. This is known as cognitive restructuring.
Your therapist may decide that exposure therapy is helpful. They will gently and gradually expose you to situations or objects which have historically triggered your panic attacks in a safe and controlled environment. This process helps you to desensitise to the triggers, therefore reducing the impact and severity of your panic attacks.
Together with your therapist, you will develop a personalised treatment plan, which includes strategies to manage your panic attacks. This could include suggested lifestyle changes, mindfulness activities, exercises and ongoing therapy.
Therapy can be a hugely effective treatment for panic attacks. It is vital to always work with a qualified, experienced therapist who is able to help you develop a personalised treatment plan which meets your individual needs.