Help for motivation and reducing procrastination using hypnotherapy and
counselling in Hampshire

Effective help to improve motivation and overcome procrastination using hypnotherapy & counselling

Have you ever noticed that the most successful people seem to be those who are the most motivated? Would you like to be more motivated towards achieving your goals but find it difficult to decide what your specific goal really is? Just deciding to be more motivated in general is not enough. Your goals need to be as specific as you can make them. Motivational coaching and motivational hypnosis and hypnotherapy at OLIP Therapy, formerly the Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Counselling Centre, can help you to focus your mind and achieve the results you want, easily and effectively.

Hypnosis is the secret weapon of many successful people, including leaders in their field, and sports professionals.

Here is just a handful of celebrities, who have used hypnosis to achieve success in their careers:

  • Muhammad Ali: The legendary boxer credited hypnosis with helping him to focus and concentrate during fights.

  • Tiger Woods: The golfer has said that hypnosis helped him to improve his mental game and overcome his fear of failure.

  • Oprah Winfrey: The talk show host and media mogul has said that hypnosis helped her to overcome her childhood trauma and achieve success.

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger: The actor and former governor of California has said that hypnosis helped him to improve his focus and concentration during workouts.

How can I improve my motivation? How can I stop procrastinating?

Help With Motivation for Sport or Personal Fitness

Are you someone who would like to be more motivated to get yourself fitter and healthier? Do you need help to get yourself to exercise more regularly? Perhaps you’re an amateur athlete or a professional sports persons who needs help to get to the top of their game? Motivational Coaching and hypnosis and hypnotherapy for sports motivation are extremely effective in helping you to re-programme your mind and remove the mental blocks that are preventing you from achieving your full potential.

Study Motivation

Does the thought of studying for qualifications or exams fill you with dread? Our Motivation for Study Programme with hypnosis and hypnotherapy will help you to focus your mind and your time so that you achieve the results you deserve.

Business Coaching and Sales Motivation

Remove the mental stumbling blocks that are holding you back in your business or career. Become a confident sales person who looks forward to the challenges every day brings. Enjoy solving the problems that are slowing your progress down in your chosen career and take your business forward successfully with our Business Coaching and Motivational Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy sessions.

How can I get motivated? What can I do to improve my motivation?

Counselling for Motivation and Reducing Procrastination in Hampshire

For more help and information regarding counselling for Motivation, procrastination and decision making then visit our dedicated Counselling website here and procrastination.


Hypnosis can be used to improve motivation. When someone is hypnotised, they are more open to suggestions and are more likely to follow through on them. This can be helpful for people who are struggling with motivation because it can help them to overcome negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding them back.

Hypnosis can also help people to focus and concentrate, which can be helpful for people who are trying to achieve their goals. When someone is hypnotised, they are able to block out distractions and focus on the task at hand. This can be helpful for people who are trying to study, work, or exercise.

Finally, hypnosis can help people to develop the willpower and self-discipline that they need to stick to their goals. When someone is hypnotised, they are able to access their subconscious mind, which is where their willpower and self-discipline reside. This can help people to overcome temptation and stay on track with their goals.

Hypnosis can help you if you would like to:

  • Feel more in control of your life.

  • Increase your success in any area of your life

  • Be more creative and focused in your work

  • Feel more motivated and have a sense of accomplishment

  • Let go of the things that haven’t served you in the past

  • Start living your life the way you want to live it

How can I take control of my life? Can I motivate myself to succeed?

Motivation for Effective and Sustained Weight Loss Sucesss with Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Hampshire

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective way to improve motivation for weight loss. It can help you to change the way you think about food and your body, and it can also help you to develop the willpower and self-discipline that you need to stick to your weight loss plan.

Here are some of the ways that hypnotherapy can help you to improve your motivation for weight loss:

  • It can help you to change your thoughts and beliefs about food and your body. Hypnotherapy can help you to identify and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from losing weight. For example, if you believe that you are not capable of losing weight, hypnotherapy can help you to change this belief and replace it with a more positive one.

  • It can help you to develop the willpower and self-discipline that you need to stick to your weight loss plan. Hypnotherapy can help you to increase your willpower and self-discipline by helping you to focus on your goals and by making it easier for you to resist temptation.

  • It can help you to create a positive and supportive mindset for weight loss. Hypnotherapy can help you to create a positive and supportive mindset for weight loss by helping you to focus on the benefits of losing weight and by helping you to overcome any negative emotions that you may be experiencing.

How can hypnotherapy help with weight loss?