Help for Nail Biting using Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Help to stop nail biting & nail chewing using hypnotherapy and hypnosis. Online and In-Person in Fareham, Southampton, Portsmouth & Winchester

Hypnotherapy can be a successful treatment for nail biting as it addresses the underlying subconscious patterns and behaviours that drive the habit. Nail biting is often used as a form of stress relief and hypnotherapy can help individuals to identify and manage the triggers that lead to this behaviour. 

During a hypnotherapy session, a trained hypnotherapist guides the individual into a state of deep relaxation. During this time, they will suggest positive messages and affirmations in order to help alter negative thought patterns that lead to nail-biting behaviour. These suggestions could include visualisations of healthy-looking, well-manicured nails, increased self-confidence or perhaps the ability to manage stress in a more healthy way. 

Why do I bite my nails? How to stop nail biting naturally.

The hypnotherapist may also help individuals to become more aware of their nail-biting habit and provide them with techniques which interrupt the behaviour. This could include things such as keeping their hands busy with other activities, using bitter-tasting nail polish to deter the biting, or perhaps finding other healthier coping mechanisms for managing stress.

Overall, hypnotherapy is thought to be a powerful tool for helping individuals break their habit of nail biting and develop healthier coping mechanisms to manage their stress and anxiety. Here at the Hampshire Hypnotherapy and Counselling Centre, we have helped countless individuals to quit their nail-biting habit for good. Put your trust in us and allow us to cure your nail biting once and for all. 

How to stop nail biting in adults. How can I stop biting my nails? Why do people bite their nails?