Stop smoking using hypnosis and hypnotherapy at Hampshire’s leading smoking cessation centre

Stop Smoking and Quit Vaping with UK’s foremost Stop Smoking Specialists James Holmes and Joanna Bevis


At OLIP Therapy, formerly the Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Counselling Centre, we are passionate about helping people to quit smoking for good. Over the past 20 years of helping people to give up smoking, we have often heard that stopping smoking on your own can be hard. What if it didn’t have to be? Stop smoking hypnosis works on the subconscious (or unconscious) part of your mind. The part of your mind that creates your desire to smoke in the first place, despite knowing that it’s bad for you and that you want to quit. The conscious part of your mind knows that smoking is bad for your health. It knows it can be expensive. These conscious thoughts do not override the prevailing unconscious habit. Hypnotherapy effectively tackles your unconscious desire to smoke.


  • Free you from the desire to smoke, without feeling like you are giving up something of great personal value

  • Stop you from craving cigarettes

  • Start living your life the way you want to which means you’ll be free from the shackles of smoking

  • Feel healthier, breathe easier, be more relaxed and also have more money, time and freedom

  • Challenge your old beliefs about smoking and cigarettes. We offer a single, powerful, life-changing, 2-hour session using a range of proven techniques to help to make stopping smoking easy for you.

We are totally committed to helping you to quit smoking permanently.

Hypnosis to stop smoking

“Since coming to see you to give up smoking, I can honestly say I haven’t touched or wanted to touch a single cigarette. I will be recommending Hampshire Hypnotherapy Centre to everyone. I just can’t believe how easy it was to become a non-smoker. I’d save the money the session cost in under a month!“

—Happy Non-Smoking Client


By identifying and resolving your subconscious smoking behaviours, thoughts and associations, our stop smoking hypnosis session at our Practice in Whiteley will work with you to help to eradicate your smoking cravings for good; achieving permanent, life-changing freedom from cigarettes and smoking. Hypnosis is not magic, but if you possess the desire to be a non-smoker and are committed to stopping, then hypnotherapy will help you to achieve your goal.

Nowadays, smokers are coming under increasing pressure to give up. The Institute of Actuaries published the results of a study it commissioned which showed that the mortality rate for smokers is twice as high as for non-smokers, and that, on average, a smoker dies 6 years earlier than a non-smoker. The study also suggested that three in four smokers would like to give up. So why wait? Act now and call us today on 0800 970 4776 to book your stop-smoking session.

Break free from smoking easily. You will not be and ex-smoker you will be a non-smoker thanks to our hugely successful hypnosis programme.


This is a common concern that we hear. The fact is that only an ‘ex-smoker’ could potentially gain weight when attempting to quit, as they are replacing their old habit of smoking with a new habit, for example snacking or overeating. A successful non-smoker does not replace their old habit with anything other than a tremendous feeling of pride and pleasure at becoming a non-smoker. Our stop smoking hypnosis session ensures that when you leave our office, you leave a happy non-smoker, not an ex-smoker.


There are many myths surrounding hypnosis and hypnotism. The words hypnotise and hypnosis can have very different associations with the reality. In reality, hypnosis is just a lovely safe and comfortable relaxed state you enter which allows your subconscious to become more receptive to positive suggestion. Most people think of it as sleep (which ironically it does derive its name from the Greek word Hypnos), so when you feel relaxed when watching TV, or on auto-pilot when driving, you could say that you have been hypnotised, but you are still fully in control so that if anything required your attention, you would automatically be fully attentive and focused once again.

As a smoker, your subconscious doesn’t know smoking is bad for you. In fact, it expects you to smoke! Perhaps you crave a cigarette with a coffee or with alcohol, or perhaps when you are stressed. Maybe you smoke to alleviate boredom or to give you ‘time out’ of your working day. These associations are so strong that willpower has not been enough to empower you to quit.

Fully understanding your smoking habit is key to changing it, and during our 2-hour session, you will discover why your subconscious prevents you from stopping smoking. There’s no magic wand, no swinging watch, just a relaxing, fast, effective stop-smoking hypnotherapy technique.

Hypnosis to stop smoking


To quit smoking with our stop smoking hypnosis session, you must be fully committed to becoming a non-smoker, but don’t worry if you have some fear of stopping, this is perfectly normal. Almost all smokers experience some fear before becoming happy relaxed non-smokers. After all, you may perceive you are giving up something of great personal value to you and getting nothing back in return. Nothing could be further from the truth: as a non-smoker, you are going to feel amazing!


At OLIP Therapy, our client’s success is of utmost importance to us. Our stop-smoking hypnosis clients receive an anonymous feedback questionnaire after their session. 95% of the responses we receive confirm that our clients have successfully stopped smoking in one session. 92% of those who responded stated they had still not smoked five years after the treatment.

Now you can give up smoking or vaping successfully forever. If you want to quit smoking, you can and it's possible in one session.


An article from the New Scientist Magazine (New Scientist vol 136 issue 1845 – 31 October 92) stated that: “Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking” according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit.

Also, in a study by Frank Schmidt of the University of Iowa, working with Chockalingam (Vish) Viswesvaran (a research student), hypnotherapy was recognised as the most effective way to stop smoking. Together they looked at the results of 633 studies, incorporating almost 72,000 participants. Their results, which were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, included 48 studies of hypnosis carried out in Scandinavia, America and several other European countries, covering 6000 smokers. The results showed conclusively that hypnosis was three times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy (patches, gum etc) and had the highest success rate of the top 15 methods of quitting smoking!

The proportion of current smokers in the UK decreased from 14.1% in 2019 to 13.8% in Quarter 1 2020 (around 6.7 million). Let us help you to bring that statistic down even further!