Effective help for addiction to porn, using counselling and hypnotherapy in Hampshire

Help to overcome the negative effects of porn addiction with Hypnotherapy & Counselling

Are you tired of how porn consumes and controls your life?  Is your porn addiction causing you pain, guilt and shame in your sex life, relationships and career? If so, our porn addiction hypnotherapy & counselling programme can help you.

How to get rid of porn addiction. Signs symptoms and effects of pornography addiction.

Prior to the introduction of the internet, porn resided uncomfortably on the top shelf at the newsagent or stuffed under the mattress. We’re all told, ‘a bit of porn’ can liven up your sex life and many would agree. However, researchers are growing increasingly concerned about the consequences of fast internet speeds and the proliferation of internet porn. Nowadays, porn users don’t have to hang around embarrassed waiting to buy a magazine or wait for the clandestine brown envelope to pop through the letterbox. At the touch of a button, you now have access to an almost unlimited array of porn to suit all tastes.

The human brain has a remarkable reward circuitry which learns and changes with experience. When a stimulus is viewed as exciting, these structures in the brain are stimulated, causing a neurotransmitter known as dopamine to be released. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centres. It also helps regulate movement and emotional responses and it enables us not only to see rewards but creates a compulsion to move towards them.  In many ways, dopamine can be seen as the molecule behind all of our most sinful behaviours and secret cravings.

Hypnotherapy & Counselling can be extremely effective for your addiction to porn

Congratulations on finding the courage to seek help today. We appreciate it can be hard to seek help and we know from the men we have worked with that often picking up the phone is the hardest step. Often, it’s the first time they have opened up and talked about porn, its impact on their life, their relationships, sex life and often their career.

At OLIP Therapy, formerly the Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Counselling Centre, we will support you to quit your porn addiction. We hold no judgement and we offer confidential and effective help, either with Hypnotherapy, Counselling or a combination of both (we will discuss the best course of action for you at your free Initial Consultation).

Most men find it impossible to quit internet porn by themselves. It takes more than willpower and commitment to quit porn and recover from your addiction – because porn is a real addiction. It changes parts of your brain and body. Thankfully hypnosis and counselling will be effective in helping you to overcome your addiction to porn and get your life back on track.

I think my boyfriend husband partner is addicted to porn.

Restoring balance, productivity and time management

For more help and information regarding counselling for addictions, visit our dedicated Counselling website here.

Of course, in moderation the release of dopamine in males viewing pornography is normal. But research has shown that it is the amount of dopamine released, and the length of time the brain is exposed to such surges, that is having some catastrophic consequences on habitual porn users.

Research in Italy has found from scans of habitual porn users that the dopamine which signals sexual excitement is reduced to such a degree the males reported erectile dysfunction.

Interestingly, in a UK study, they found that males reported having a diminished sex drive in physical relationships, which only eased when they started viewing porn. In essence, men who consume a high amount of porn online report finding physical sex boring and need the thrill of pornography to stimulate them. Other symptoms of porn addiction can include depression, inability to sleep, loss of concentration and social withdrawal.