Help for Procrastination Using Hypnotherapy, Counselling & CBT Online and in Fareham Hampshire

Effective Help to Overcome Procrastination using hypnotherapy and counselling

Do you find yourself checking your phone constantly, or looking at emails when you should be completing a report or assignment?

Can hypnotherapy and counselling help me to beat procrastination?
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What is Procrastination?

We all put things off from time to time. With so many things these days to distract us, it is no wonder, however, procrastinating can lead to lots of problems not to mention frustration.

Procrastination is when we put off important jobs or tasks in favour of more pleasurable ones. For example, you may have a huge report to write for work but find yourself checking emails, listening to music or even cleaning out your drawers instead of focusing on the task at hand. We all lead busy lives and organising them can be tricky. Procrastination makes things worse as we end up putting off the important things and getting those things done that weren’t essential.

Our minds are programmed to always move away from pain and towards pleasure. If we think a job is too big or difficult then instead of tackling it, we may find smaller jobs to take up our time instead.

What effect does procrastination have on us?

Who is prone to Procrastinate and what effect does this have?

This has probably affected us all at some point in our lives. However, prolonged behaviour of procrastinating can lead to us not getting those things in life that we really want. Whether it be a promotion, a new job or even the house we have always dreamed of, procrastination can get in our way and stop us.

When we procrastinate we hold ourselves back from displaying our full potential. This can have many effects such as anxiety and frustration. It may also affect those around us: our colleagues and those closest to us may also become frustrated with our behaviour.

What are the reasons behind Procrastination?

Some of the main reasons why this happens are as follows:

  • Fear of failure - you may be worried that you will fail at the task and therefore do not want to attempt it in the first place. You may have low self-esteem and self-belief and therefore not believe in your ability to complete the job.

  • Fear of success – this at first sounds a little strange but you could fear the success of completing the task and what pressures this may bring. So for example, if you complete that report and do a fantastic job are you likely to get more responsibility and more work to do? You may be scared that you won’t be able to cope with the added pressure and so put off the original task.

  • Fear of the unknown - would completing the task lead you into a state of uncertainty? Not knowing what may be around the corner, it may feel safer to stay where you are and not complete the task - this way you know what to expect and there is no uncertainty.

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How can hypnotherapy and counselling improveHow can hypnotherapy and counselling improve procrastination? , procrastination?

How to Overcome your Procrastination Using Hypnosis, Counselling or CBT

There could be other reasons why you may be putting things off but whatever the reason, here at OLIP Therapy, formerly The Hampshire Hypnotherapy and Counselling Centre, we don’t want you to be held back any longer. We want to help you to reach your goals and not be stuck in patterns of behaviour that restrict you.

Hypnotherapy is a safe effective way to help you get rid of this behaviour of procrastinating. Firstly, the process is very relaxing and will help you to feel more relaxed and calm. Hypnotherapy can help you to let go of old limiting fears and boost your confidence so that you feel you are fully competent and capable to complete those things in your life that you need to get done.

Here at OLIP Therapy, we pride ourselves in helping you to reach your goals, boosting your confidence, self-esteem and belief in yourself. We can also help you to learn how to help and support yourself so you can face and tackle any future issues which come your way.

Hypnosis can also provide you with the motivation and determination to succeed and complete tasks that would have otherwise been left un-started or uncompleted.

Within the wonderful state of hypnosis, you have a focused state of attention where you can really get to the bottom of why you procrastinate. It provides you with an opportunity to take some time out of your busy life to re-focus and get back in touch with those things that are important to you as an individual.

So leave this old behaviour in the past and give us a call today.

Don’t delay, reach your full potential today!

Contact us today to find out how we can stop you procrastinating

Approximately 25% of adults consider procrastination to be a defining personality trait for them. It doesn’t need to be for you!

At OLIP Therapy we really do understand and we’re here to help you. The first step is to admit that your Procrastination is causing you problems in your life and then just pick up the phone and call us on 0800 970 4776 and have a quick chat with one of our friendly team of professional hypnotherapists. You can then book an appointment to pop in for a free initial consultation where we can explain the therapy to you and you can ask any questions you may have.

Online therapy avilable around the world

Counselling, CBT and Hypnotherapy in the comfort of your own home or in your workplace.


Phone: 0800 970 4776