Effective help for self-harming using Hypnotherapy & Counselling in Hampshire

Help to overcome self-harming with Counselling or Hypnotherapy

Adolescent cutting treatment. How do you help someone who cuts themselves?

People who self-harm often feel very ashamed and isolated by their symptoms. The effects can make a dramatic impact on the everyday life of the people who do it. They suffer real shame and guilt and are often restricted in what they can wear in order to cover up the ‘evidence’ of what they have done. It can have a really negative effect on their relationships with family and friends, resulting in the sufferer becoming isolated and feeling the need to harm themselves more frequently to ‘release’ the resulting emotional pain.

At OLIP Therapy you will be reassured that self-harm happens to a lot more people than you might think and that you can make a full recovery from the symptoms that are having such a devastating effect on your life.

Pick up the phone today and call 0800 9704776 for your FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION. If we are with clients please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we can. All calls and answer phone messages are completely confidential and will only be answered by one of our team of therapists and counsellors.

Find out more about how we can help with Stress and Anxiety using hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

To find out more about how Counselling can help improve low self-esteem and manage self-harming, visit our dedicated Counselling website here.

Self-harm is a far more common problem than you might think. Are you or someone you know self-harming and struggling to deal with this very difficult and destructive condition? It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been self-harming for some time or perhaps have just started to notice that you feel the need to harm yourself, James and Sue and the highly trained team at OLIP Therapy, formerly the Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Counselling Centre really can help you.

What is self-harm?

Self-harm is usually a deliberate act and is often done in secret. It can take many different forms but some of the most common ways people self-harm are listed below:-

  • Cutting

  • Burning

  • Scalding

  • Banging or scratching one’s own body

  • Breaking bones

  • Hair pulling

  • Swallowing poisonous substances or objects

  • Overdose of medication