Help for migraines using hypnotherapy in Hampshire

Help with Migraines using Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis in Fareham, Southampton and Portsmouth

What is the quickest way to treat a migraine? How can I stop my recurrent migraines?
  • Do you suffer from migraines or headaches on a regular basis?

  • Are you sick of feeling controlled by these bouts of throbbing pain in your head?

  • Have you already sought medical advice but are still suffering?

  • Is your head pounding? Are you more sensitive than normal to light or sound?

  • It is time for you to take back control with hypnosis.

  • Are you wondering if hypnotherapy can help with migraines?

  • We have been helping people manage their migraines and headaches. You can take back control now by contacting us.


  • We generally know if we are suffering from a migraine or a headache and most headaches can be sorted out effectively with pain relief tablets but some headaches and migraines cannot be dealt with in this way and severely affect the sufferer.

  • They are individual and subjective - migraines will differ from person to person and can differ each time you suffer in their frequency, cycle, symptoms, degree of throbbing or pain, degree of sensitivity, length and stages.

  • One that has no symptoms

    One that starts with symptoms such as dizziness, visual disturbance or pins and needles

    Whether it is something that comes on suddenly or something that you have warning for, there is no doubt that migraines can be extremely debilitating. But they don’t have to be – hypnotherapy can help- based in Fareham, Southampton, Portsmouth and Bournemouth.

  • It is important if you suffer from migraines to identify what specifically causes it. For many this includes one or some of the following:

    Stress, or relaxing after stressful periods: when our bodies are under stress or have been exposed to a long period of stress this can act as a trigger for migraines. Stress occurs when we feel unable to cope with the pressure or responsibilities that we have.

    Changes in sleep pattern: not getting enough sleep means that we may feel that we are too tired or unable to cope which increases our stress levels and in turn can then lead to a migraine.

    Loud noises or bright light: if these symptoms are felt when the sufferer has or is about to have a migraine then exposure to these could act as a trigger.

    Certain foods or drinks- these again will be individual to the sufferer. Certain foods or drinks such as too much caffeine can cause migraines to occur.

    Whatever you feel is the trigger of your migraines you can take action now and take back control.

  • Headaches and migraines are caused by either a restriction of the blood vessels in the brain or an expansion of these blood vessels, so either the blood flow is restricted or there is too much. Using the mind body link, hypnosis can allow the blood flow to be normalised.

    Pain within the body, such as having a migraine, can be your body’s way of telling you that something is not right. For example, if you have been extremely stressed at work and you start to experience migraines then this could be your body’s way of saying that you have taken on too much. Hypnosis can help you to understand the message behind the pain that you are experiencing. Understanding this message will help to alleviate the pain. Once that message is understood, this could help you to be free of the issue completely. The mind-body link use can be utilised in hypnosis to help you re-frame the pain, giving you back a sense of control.

    By also targeting and reducing stress, hypnosis can assist in stopping migraines occurring in the first place. The process of hypnotherapy involves you reaching levels of complete and total relaxation, enabling you to be tension-free. This can lead to the sufferer having relief from stress which can be extremely beneficial.

    Migraines and headaches affect each of us in different ways, our therapists are highly trained and can adapt to meet your individual needs. Many think that there is no relief from the debilitating pain of migraines but they can be made more manageable with hypnosis.

At OLIP Therapy we really do understand and we’re here to help you. The first step is to admit that your Migraines are causing you problems in your life and then just pick up the phone and call us on 0800 970 4776 and have a quick chat with one of our friendly team of professional hypnotherapists. You can then book an appointment to pop in for a free initial consultation and we can explain the therapy to you and you can ask any questions you may have.

We’re open from 9am until 8.30 pm every weekday and on Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm. We can even arrange Sunday appointments if that suits you better. You don’t have to suffer the problems you have with your Migraines. Let us help you to gain control of your Migraines and live your life in a much calmer, more relaxed way.

For help with controlling Migraines call us today. We’re really easy to find in Whiteley, Fareham and not far from Southampton, Bournemouth, Portsmouth and Winchester with easy access from the M27 and Online appointments available wherever you are in the world.