Life changing help for individuals suffering from social anxiety and social phobia, using Hypnotherapy and counselling Online and In-Person in Hampshire

Effective Help for Social Anxiety and Social Phobia using Hypnotherapy & Counselling

Do you have a fear of people looking at you? Get to the root of social anxiety.

Social Phobia, social anxiety or fear of social occasions can all cause misery for the sufferer. Scopophobia, to give it its technical name, results in the sufferer having fears of rejection or of being judged and can often result in severe symptoms of embarrassment or feelings of humiliation.

A recent report in the U.S. concluded that up to 13% of the adult population suffers from social anxiety. The D.S.M. IV (the mental health ‘bible’) lists social anxiety as: “A marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others. The individual fears that he/she will act in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing”.

What does it feel like?

For the social phobic, enjoyable (for the rest of us) situations such as dinner parties, shopping, meeting people or eating out can become a real nightmare. Symptoms often include intense feelings of a fear of rejection, panic attacks, feelings of inferiority and worrying about how others ‘see’ you. Blushing, feeling ‘silly’, lack of confidence, stuttering or lack of eye contact are also common in social anxiety.

Social Anxiety is a persistent fear of one or more social situations where embarrassment may occur and the fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the social situation as determined by the person's cultural norms.

People suffering from social anxiety often find it difficult to make phone calls or they worry for days about a forthcoming event, even an occasion that should be enjoyable. There is often a persistent fear of meeting people, and social phobics usually let others dominate conversations so that their thoughts or opinions are not ridiculed. Physical sensations can include heart pounding, hot flushes, numbness or sweating, feeling dizzy, light headed or out of control. As with all phobias or anxiety, any current stress will increase those feelings and symptoms.

Overcome your fears naturally. How I cured my social anxiety. Debilitating social anxiety.

How do I overcome my social phobia?

Social phobia always starts in childhood and can often get worse as the sufferer gets older.

Analytical therapy (hypnoanalysis) is extremely effective at finding the cause of the problem. Using hypnosis and counselling, we can find the unconscious cause(s) of all this anxiety and release any negative bottled-up emotions and when the emotions are released, the symptoms dissolve. The result of this is a happier, much more confident and outgoing person.

You can be free from the symptoms of Social Anxiety for good, simply and easily with hypnosis and hypnotherapy at Hampshire Hypnotherapy Centre. We have the experience and expertise to help you recover from the symptoms of Social Anxiety that have prevented you from living your life to the full until now!

Social Anxiety is, according to American research, the third most common psychological disorder after depression and alcoholism. Yet most Social Anxiety sufferers are often unable to talk about their symptoms or find it difficult to find help.

At OLIP Therapy, you can be sure you will receive the very best therapy from trusted, professional hypnotherapists with thousands of hours of experience.

Just imagine how good you will feel when you no longer fear having to go to meetings or parties. You will no longer worry about criticism or being judged by other people and everyday experiences such as working, shopping or speaking on the telephone… in fact, it will be a pleasure for you!

Glossophobia, or a fear of public speaking,

One of the fears we see most often is a fear of public speaking. This incredibly common fear affects around 75% of the population. This fear can be easily treated with hypnosis. Call us today and find out how we can help you to overcome this extremely common fear.

If you want to be able to speak in public without fear, make presentations with confidence and look forward to a life free from Social Anxiety then call us today on 0800 970 477 or e-mail us at and make an appointment to come in and see us for a free initial consultation.