Can I bring someone else to counselling sessions?

It depends on the type of counselling session and the therapist's policies. Some therapists may allow you to bring a support person to your sessions, especially if the person is directly involved in the issue, you are seeking therapy for, such as a partner or family member.

Bringing someone to counselling

However, in other cases, the therapist may prefer to work with you individually, or may only allow the support person to be present for a limited number of sessions. It's best to discuss the option of bringing someone else to the session with your therapist.

It is also important to note that, in some cases, such as family therapy or couples therapy, bringing someone else to the session is expected, as the therapy sessions are focused on addressing issues of the relationship between the people involved.

Ultimately, it's important to communicate your needs and preferences with the therapist and work together to determine the best approach for your therapy sessions.


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