EMDR: A New Way to Heal Trauma and Improve Your Mental Health

Welcome to this week’s blog.  Today I’d like us to revisit a treatment type that we have been offering here at OLIP Therapy, formerly The Hampshire Hypnotherapy and Counselling Centre, for a number of years that you might not have heard about. Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a type of psychotherapy that has been shown to be effective when treating a wide range of mental health conditions. These include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression and eating disorders. EMDR has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason!

There are a number of reasons why EMDR is becoming more popular:

  • It is an effective treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions. EMDR has been shown to be effective in treating PTSD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and other mental health conditions effectively and without medication.

  • EMDR therapy is often shorter-term than other types of therapy, such as traditional talk therapy. While it is no magic wand, quick fix solution, it has been shown to be effective over a much shorter timeframe. This can be appealing to people who are looking for a quick and effective way to treat their mental health symptoms.

  • This is what is known as a non-invasive therapy. This means that EMDR therapy does not require medication or hospitalisation. This treatment path can appeal to people who are looking for a more natural or holistic approach to their mental health treatment.

  • It is considered a relatively new therapy. EMDR therapy was developed in the 1980s, and it is still comparatively new compared to other types of therapy. However, it is safe to say that EMDR has been well-researched, and there is a growing body of evidence to support how effective it really is.

  • It is a widely available therapy. EMDR therapy is offered by therapists all over the world. This makes it easy for people to find an EMDR therapist in their area.

Using EMDR to heal trauma

EMDR has risen in popularity for a number of reasons. Across the Western world, there is a growing awareness and understanding of mental health issues, and people are now more likely to seek help for mental health problems than they were in the past. Mental health care is becoming more accessible, thanks to insurance coverage, online therapy and other factors. Mental health has become far less stigmatised, and people are more likely to talk about and share their mental health problems openly.

As a result of these trends, more and more people are learning about EMDR and its potential benefits. EMDR is widely considered to be a safe and effective therapy that can help people heal from trauma, manage their mental health symptoms and live happier and more fulfilling lives.

Why not contact us at OLIP Therapy today and find out how a course of EMDR treatment can help you to live a happier life: the life you want and deserve!



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