How to add 38% to your life expectancy!

I recently came across a study that made me stop in my tracks! I was so surprised that I instantly had to do an online search to check the validity of the research and indeed it’s true! So, what made me stand up and take notice was the fact studies have shown that classical music conductors live on average 38 percent longer than the general population! A study originally completed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance study uncovered this unexpected phenomenon. Wow I thought; how can this be? And it got me thinking.

Common sense would suggest the longevity could be down to the following:

  1. Mind: Conducting requires high levels of mental acuity, including memory, concentration, and creativity.

  2. Body: Conducting involves physical movement and expression, which can help maintain physical fitness.

  3. Interaction: Conductors work closely with musicians and engage with audiences, fostering social connections.

  4. Passion and Purpose: Many conductors have a deep passion for music, which can provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment. Engaging in work that one loves is associated with greater life satisfaction and longevity.

Indeed, I wondered, could it be the music itself? Perhaps being exposed to the very sound waves of music and harmony. For many years, there has been speculation about the seemingly magical connection between longevity and classical music. Is it the intelligence associated with this level of creativity? In one study of over 49,000 creative individuals by Anisimov and Zharinov (2013), they discovered that “persons who listen to classic music have more chance to live longer”.  They attribute this to the intriguing and persistent findings surrounding the cognitive capabilities of classic musicians.

How can I improve my life expectancy

Could it be the soothing rhythms of the music that calm us, triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, which can lead to a relaxation response? Amazingly classical music has been shown to lower cortisol, lower our blood pressure. Indeed, classical music has been shown to relieve pain (A 2006 study found that people with chronic pain felt less pain after listening to classical music). It can slow our breathing down as well as helping us release neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Classical music can also help us to open up more honestly about our internal struggles. 

But perhaps it’s more than everything above that is the key to the longevity. Perhaps it’s the sense of purpose classical conductors report feeling. As psychotherapist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl wrote in his world-renowned best seller ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’, "Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose." Perhaps it is the combination of all of the above with a huge smattering of meaning and passion in their lives that ensures conductors incredible longevity. I guess we will never know for sure. But what we can take from this research is that using our mind & body daily in deep and meaningful ways, along with ensuring we have healthy social interactions, will ensure our own extended time on this beautiful planet. In addition, of course, making time each day to enjoy the music that moves us and makes us feel - whatever our own individual tastes may be.

“Meaning in life is important to achieve quality of life, psychological well-being and good mental health.” Front Psychiatry, 2022

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