I think we can all agree, we know at least one toxic person! Toxic people can be an enormous source of stress, frustration and negativity in our daily lives. It could be a coworker, a family member or a friend, but dealing with toxic people can be a challenging experience which takes its toll on both our mental and emotional health. However, there are a number of strategies that we can use which effectively deal with toxic people, thereby minimising their impact on our daily lives.
Set boundaries
Perhaps the most important thing you can do if you need to deal with toxic people is to be sure that you set clear boundaries. This will mean being explicit about what behaviours you are willing to tolerate and what behaviours you find unacceptable. By setting boundaries, you are sending a clear message that you respect yourself and that you are unprepared to allow others to treat you badly.
Don't engage in their dramas
You may have noticed already that toxic people thrive on drama, often trying to draw others into their negative energy. It is vital that you resist the urge to engage in their drama, instead focusing on maintaining your own peace and positivity. This means stepping away from any arguments, gossip or negativity.
Practice empathy
While you may struggle to have empathy for toxic people, it is important that you remember you are most likely dealing with someone struggling with their own emotional pain. By practising empathy, you can begin to understand where they're coming from and show compassion for their struggles, even if you disagree with their behaviour.
Communicate effectively
When you have to deal with toxic people, it is important that you communicate effectively. This will mean being absolutely clear about your boundaries, being sure to express your feelings in a calm and respectful manner, therefore avoiding blaming or attacking language. If you can communicate effectively, you will help to prevent misunderstandings and defuse difficult situations.
Take care of yourself
Dealing with toxic people is both emotionally and mentally draining. It is vital that you prioritise self-care. This will mean putting aside time for yourself to take part in things which you enjoy, seeking support from friends and family and practising activities which reduce your stress, such as meditation or exercise. When you take care of yourself, you will be better equipped to deal with toxic people, thereby maintaining your own well-being.
Dealing with toxic people can be a problematic and challenging experience, but it is important that you remember that you have the power to control how they affect you. Setting clear boundaries, avoiding their drama, practising empathy, using effective communication and being sure to prioritise your own well-being will minimise the impact that toxic people have on your life, enabling you to maintain your own mental and emotional health.