Hypnosis and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are both considered to be effective methods to treat a wide variety of mental health conditions. As treatment options however, they are difficult to compare. The most suitable treatment for an individual depends very much on their individual needs and preferences for treatment.
Hypnosis is a type of mental state which is characterised by deep relaxation and focusing of attention. It is used to enable people to alter their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. CBT however, is a type of psychotherapy. It is based on the idea that one's thoughts, feelings and behaviours are all interconnected. CBT can be utilised to help people identify and adjust negative thought patterns, to develop coping mechanisms and to improve their overall well-being.
There is a school of thought which suggests hypnosis could be more effective than CBT for treating certain conditions such as pain and anxiety. However, there is also evidence that CBT could be more effective than hypnosis when treating other conditions such as depression or eating disorders. Though difficult to compare the two methods, more research would be needed to determine which treatment is more effective for which condition.
Ideally, the best way to determine whether hypnosis or CBT is right for you is to talk to a mental health professional. They will be able to help you understand your individual needs and preferences and guide you towards the treatment path that is most likely to be effective for you as an individual.