It is thought that around 20% of people are naturally shy, though not everyone with a genetic tendency towards shyness develops a shy temperament; life experiences will often play a role. Shyness in itself is quite common and normal and doesn't cause problems unless it develops into more of a social anxiety. Shyness can make social interactions difficult and prevent individuals from being able to reach their full potential. There are a number of ways to overcome shyness and build confidence in social situations. Here are 10 of the most effective ways to overcome shyness: 

  1. Challenge negative thinking 

Shyness can often be accompanied by negative thoughts and self beliefs. These thought patterns are often self-defeating and can prevent you from taking risks or trying new things. In order to overcome shyness, it is imperative to challenge these negative thought patterns and replace them with a more positive way of thinking. 

2.   Start small

In order to overcome shyness, it is important to start with small changes. This may mean taking small steps outside of your comfort zone, for example, speaking up in a group setting or speaking to a stranger. Once you become more comfortable with the small steps, you will be able to gradually increase the difficulty of the challenges you choose to take on. 

3.   Practice social skills

In order to overcome shyness and build up confidence, it is vital to work on your social skills. This will include things such as active listening, making eye contact and engaging in small talk. By regularly practising these skills, individuals with shyness will become more comfortable in social situations, and therefore be able to build stronger relationships more confidently. 

4.   Join groups or clubs

How can I overcome my shyness

Finding and joining groups or clubs which align with your interests can be a fantastic way to overcome your shyness. Groups such as these will provide you with opportunities to meet like-minded people and engage in activities which you enjoy. Taking part in these activities will help to build your confidence and reduce your social anxiety. 

5.   Volunteer in your community

Volunteering for a role is a great way to build your confidence and overcome shyness. It will provide you with opportunities to engage with others in a positive way, contributing to a greater cause. This will lead to an increase in confidence and a way of feeling connected while in social situations. 

6.   Attend social events

The thought of attending social events can be intimidating for shy people, but it is an important step in building confidence. Attending social events enables you to practice those newly taught social skills and meet new people. It is vital to remember that everyone feels nervous at social events, so you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. 

7.   Seek support

It can be helpful to seek the support of friends and family to overcome your shyness. They are able to provide encouragement, feedback and advice on how you can build your confidence and engage in social situations. 

8.   Take care of yourself

It is important to take care of yourself when you are aiming to build your confidence and overcome your shyness. This will include ensuring you get enough sleep, taking regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and practising activities to reduce stress, such as meditation, or perhaps yoga. 

9.   Celebrate successes

When you are taking steps to overcome your shyness, it is important that you celebrate your successes along the way. This might be as simple as patting yourself on the back for speaking up in a group setting, or perhaps speaking to a stranger – something you may have avoided in the past. Celebrating your successes will help to build your confidence and motivate you to continue taking risks. 

10.   Seek professional help 

If your shyness is interfering with everyday life and relationships, it might be a good idea to seek professional help. A counsellor or therapist is able to provide guidance and support to enable you to overcome your shyness and build your confidence in social situations. 

There is no magic wand solution to overcoming shyness – it will take time and effort, but know that it is possible with the right strategies and support. By challenging your negative thinking, starting small, practising social skills, joining a group or a club, volunteering, attending social events, seeking support, taking care of yourself, celebrating successes and seeking professional help if needed, you can build your confidence and overcome your shyness. Here at OLIP Therapy, formerly The Hampshire Hypnotherapy and Counselling Centre, we have over 100 years of experience in helping our clients to overcome their shyness and self-limiting beliefs. Make that call today and trust us to take you on a journey to rebuild your self confidence and overcome your shyness.


