Anxiety is a very common mental health condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Signs of anxiety include feelings of worry, fear, and nervousness that can interfere with daily activities and cause the sufferer significant distress. For those living with anxiety, it is important to understand what can trigger or exacerbate the symptoms and what actions to avoid in order to maintain their mental wellness. Helping someone suffering from anxiety can be a challenge, but there are some things you can do in order to provide support and assistance. Let's think about what that support might look like.
It is important not to minimise or belittle their anxiety. Remember, anxiety is a legitimate mental health concern which should be treated with the same level of care and respect as any other medical condition. Those suffering from anxiety often feel as if their symptoms are being trivialised when others tell them to “just relax” or “stop worrying”. This can make them feel worse and less likely to seek help.
Don't pressure them into social situations. For those suffering from anxiety, socialising can be difficult and they may feel overwhelmed or anxious in large crowds or in unfamiliar social situations. Instead of pressuring them into attending events or parties that they are uncomfortable with, offer them support and reassurance that it is okay to take things at their own pace.
It is important not to be dismissive of their fears and worries. People suffering from anxiety often have what appear to be irrational fears or worries. These can seem unfounded to others. However, it is important to validate their feelings and not dismiss their fears as illogical or irrational. This level of understanding can help them to feel heard and understood, which can be an important step in managing their anxiety.
It is important not to verbally attack or judge those suffering from anxiety. Sufferers often feel self-conscious and worry about being judged or criticised. We should avoid making negative comments or judgements about their behaviour as this often increases their anxiety, making them feel even more self-conscious.
As tempting as it may be, don't offer those suffering from anxiety unsolicited advice or suggestions. It is important to remember that everyone’s experiences with anxiety are different. Unsolicited advice can often come across as dismissive or insensitive, so it's best to offer a listening ear to their concerns and offer support instead of advice, however well-meaning it is.
It is important not to make assumptions about what their triggers may be. Anxiety can be triggered by a wide range of things which can include social situations, specific phobias or even certain smells or sounds. It is important to respect the sufferer's boundaries and limitations with regard to what triggers their feelings.
Last, but not least, it is important to approach people with anxiety, with empathy and understanding. By avoiding all of these common mistakes, you can help to create a safe and supportive environment, which can help them manage their symptoms and maintain their mental fitness.
If you are suffering from anxiety which feels overwhelming and you’re feeling like you don't know which way to turn, contact OLIP Therapy. Our therapists have over 100 years of experience in helping our hundreds of clients to overcome their crippling anxiety symptoms. Let us join you and guide you towards the life you want and deserve.