It is possible for counselling to make someone feel worse in the short term. Inevitably, this is because therapy is likely to bring up some difficult emotions and memories that may be uncomfortable to face. However, the main aim of counselling is to guide individuals to work through these challenges and reach greater emotional well-being and resilience to life’s challenges in the long term. It is vital to communicate with your therapist about any concerns or discomfort you may experience during the counselling process.
In all cases, counselling should be a safe space where you feel both heard and supported. However, it is possible that in some cases counselling could make things worse for clients. This could occur for several reasons, including:
Poor therapist-client fit: if the client and therapist are not well matched, it could cause discomfort and potentially lead to negative outcomes. We always aim to place our clients with the right counsellor from the outset.
Ineffective therapy techniques: not every therapy technique will be a good fit for everyone.
If the therapist is unable to tailor their approach to the individual, it can be counter-productive. Our approach to counselling is to offer you a bespoke service where you and your therapist have a good working relationship.
Lack of privacy/confidentiality: some clients may be worried that their privacy could be compromised, particularly if they are seeking counselling for sensitive topics. Our clients are guaranteed a safe space to share what is troubling them.
The therapist’s personal issues: it is possible that the therapist's own unresolved issues could affect their work and negatively impact the client. If you have any concerns about your relationship with your therapist, we would always ask you to contact us in the first instance.
It is important to remember that while counselling can sometimes make things worse, this is definitely not always the case. Should you experience any negative side effects from therapy, it is vital to communicate your concerns with your therapist.