How Sue helped cure my anxiety

"At its worst my anxiety was constant. My hands shook and I suffered with dizziness, I couldn't sleep at night, I lost my appetite but what I did eat would give my cramps almost immediately. I suffered from migraines so bad I used to lie in bed wondering if I was having a stroke. I would wake up in the middle of the night with a racing heart. I would pace the house at 3am wondering whether I was having a heart attack, but not wanting to wake anyone up. I would find bruises or marks on my skin and check them routinely throughout the day in case they had changed. Showers became a thorough search for lumps or abnormalities. I was short-tempered and grumpy or I was sad and withdrawn. I was lonely even though I was surrounded by loved ones. I was a mess.

I made the decision to start therapy with Sue after years of trying to deal with my anxiety alone with little progress. My triggers and routines seemed set in place to be something I didn't have the ability to overcome and I was desperate for a way to relieve the constant feelings of stress and worry.

My experience with Sue has had a hugely positive impact on my life. It has been an emotional journey! From spending sessions crying in her office to feeling like I'm just catching up with a friend. I've learnt techniques to help manage my anxiety and unhelpful thoughts. I've gained confidence and am learning to be more positive and not dwell on negative thoughts and things I cant change. Most importantly, I've learnt to be kind to myself."


Jo's Weight Loss Success Journey Session One


How to be Happy